Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday's Featured Artist - WHIMSYlove!

I've always loved this artists work - and her blog is priceless to! The name of her shop - WHIMSYlove is just perfect for her style! Now I'll let you get to know her for yourself - and see exactly what I mean :)

1. Tell us your story, what got you started selling on line and how would you define the work you sell?

I remember always liking to make things & loving to give handmade gifts. I’ve always been a crafty girl.

few years ago my mom & I actually sold vintage & handmade items
in a space in an antique mall. Well, that place closed down after a
year & a half or so. But, before it did, I had been searching
online & stumbled across Etsy. In March of 2007 I opened up my
shop. I sell a wide range of handmade items--from button rings to
watercolors to sewn items & most everything in-between! But I
mostly love working with vintage materials: buttons, fabric, trim, old
books, papers, etc. I love trying everything. I can’t stick to just one
medium or craft.

2. Where did you come up with your shop name?

originally called my shop “WhiMSy”, but that name was taken when I
signed up to sell things on Etsy. So, I added the word “love”--for no
reason at all. But I figure that some days I’m a goofball (that’s the
WhiMSy part) & other days I’m girly & romantic (that’s the
love), so it works out. And that reflects in the diversity of items I

3. What's your favorite piece you have up on etsy right

I’m fond of the vintage button rings. They’re so fun to make &
I have my own that I wear almost every day.

4. Where do you do
your work and what do you listen to while you work?

I have an art
studio in the basement of my home. There’s not a lot of space to work
in there, so I mostly craft on the couch, the floor, the dining table,
or all of the above.

5. I know this can be a hard question to answer, but where do you find your inspiration?

is not a hard question at all. My kids inspire me! They are always
saying silly things….that make complete sense. I often steal their
ideas too. (haha!) Sometimes I wonder what I’ll do when they grow up
& move out. Where will my inspiration come from then? Maybe I’ll
just borrow someone else’s kids.
Lots of times a random idea will
hit me at any hour of the day-- & I better find a sketchbook quick
or the thought will be gone in a flash!

6. Tell us one fun fact about yourself!

I once balanced a hockey stick on my nose for 8 seconds.

And now for a few of my favorite items from her shop!


nikki/WhiMSy love said...

Thanks so much for the feature!

Anonymous said...

Whimsical is right! Great feature.

BeadedTail said...

Wonderful feature Rose!

agoodwitchtoo said...

Great feature!

Anonymous said...

Great feature Rosey Posey, as usual. Love the button collection. I am a vintage freak myself...

Lori R said...

I love Nikki's stuff, and her blog is so much fun!

Mod Provisions said...

I love vintage button rings!

storybeader said...

what a neat varieties of items in one shop! great feature!