Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Moving Day!

That's right - I'm moving today! Finally! After a summer of apartment hunting, and then several weeks of packing when my health was good enough, the big day has finally arrived! Our apartment is covered in boxes, my hubby is catching one last nap on the futon (which is on the floor since the frame is disassembled), and I'm enjoying my last few minutes on-line before the insanity begins! Woohoo!

Only sad part about all this? My beads are packed up! *cries* Ok, so I can't complain too much, I have my lovely craft bag packed with a bead weaving project, my cross-stitch, and my crochet :D I'm going to have to be careful to pace myself, so I wanted to make sure I had something to do with my hands when I'm forced to rest.

Seriously though, I will have to be really careful. We're having record breaking heat here right now. I live in the northwest right? We're usually in the 80's this time of year. It's supposed to hit 107 today. So I have to be extra careful to stay hydrated because dehydration triggers my asthma really quickly! I also have high blood pressure issues - and heat is really bad for that!

We did the last of the packing with my Mom last night. We were all working pretty steady - and after the third box I packed I kinda collapsed and fell asleep on the futon. I was apparently all red and blotchy. Moses covered my forehead with a cool cloth and that helped.

So my plan for today is to suck as much water as I can, and sit as often as I can convince myself! I'm not going to be moving any boxes (not allowed to because of my back issues anyway). I'm going to stay at the new apartment with my MIL or Kat (or both) and slowly start unpacking while everyone else does the heavy work.

The internet is going to be connected some time tomorrow. All we know is that it'll be up by 5pm. And by then I may be falling asleep again :P We'll see. So I don't know when you'll see me on-line again. I miss you all already!


Unknown said...

I love moving! (not the physical part so much lol) but the newness and everything being put in its proper place (at least for a day or so lol). The new possibilities are so exciting! Make sure that you don't over do it though! Have fun.

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Good Luck with the move, and take it slow! Hope the new digs are great!

BeadedTail said...

Yay! The day is finally here! Too bad it's falling on a day with record breaking hit but it sounds like you got a great plan to take care of yourself. Good luck with the move!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Yay, Ruthie! new place! exciting! exhausting also, but sounds like you have some good help. wishing you all the best.

Meri Greenleaf said...

Good luck with all the moving today! Definitely drink a lot of water and don't over do it. :)

Memories for Life said...

Good luck! I wish I could send you some of our coole temps to help :)
Take it easy and we look forward to you being online soon!!!

Leather Made Nice said...

Enjoy your new place! Gosh, it must be a year now that you've been planning for this.

Chat to you when you're computer is up and running.

Anne ^i^

Jenn said...

Oh, I hope your day has gone well! I have a friend in Portland who was just joking about the 5 stages of climate grief. Those temps are really unusual for your part of the country. Please take good care of yourselves. Our weather is about the same here in Arizona only, since it's been in the teens, 107º feels like a bit of relief. Crazy huh?

Have a great move! :D

Sandy said...

Good luck with the move, and do be careful. Sounds like you've got a good plan though.

Stopping by all my friends today to ask a favor, could you swing by to see what I'm talking about.

Thanks in advance
Traveling Suitcase
Bridge and Beyond, favor is posted on both blogs.

Thanks again

storybeader said...

I can't believe you're going to be away from the computer for a whole day... or two. Take care, the weather is absolutely crazy!

Beth said...

A new apartment--how exciting! Take care of yourself.