1. What type of art work do you do?
I create jewelry, focusing on beadweaving and embroidery, but I also like designing other jewelry with assembled components and wire-work.
2. How did you get started
doing art work?
In 2004 I attended a beading workshop – simple stringing – and I realized that creating with beads was very relaxing for me. I continued beading for a few more months until I discovered the fascinating world of bead weaving.
3. Do you do any other crafts?
Ever since I was a child I liked crafting – painting,
knitting, scrapbooking, wood engraving and sculpting, but what I really love is drawing. Beadweaving took over my spare time (and my Muse) and I sometime miss drawing … This is my last drawing, from about two years ago, of an old Indian woman by a photograph of one of my most favorite photographer Wendell Phillips (please see the images at the bottom)
Note - I did ask her this question - but I'm thinking it must have sold because I can no longer find it! Congrats on the sale Smadar!
5. Where do you sell your work?
Most of my work can be found in my Etsy shop www.smadarstreasure.etsy.com
but I also have a shop on Artfire www.smadarstreasure.artfire.
6. Do you blog?
Yes, I do have a blog http://smadarstreasure.
7. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
Not long ago I have joined Facebook, which is fun and lets you make new beady friends from all over the world. I am also proud to be a member of two beading groups – the Etsy BeadWeavers (EBW) and the Bead Art Originals (BAO) group.

8. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
Sometimes I listen to a local radio station that broadcast non-stop music, but I prefer working in a quiet environment. That's why I usually bead at late night hours, when everyone in my family is sleeping.
9. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
I think I am a compulsive collector. :) Until I discovered beading, and to the resentment of my family, I used to collect many kinds of what people would call "junk", like boxes, pieces of wood, wrapping papers etc. in order to create something beautiful out of them. I now have tons of "materials" in my working room, waiting patiently to be reused. I stopped collecting junk materials, but now I am collecting beading supplies of all kinds..;)
The picture on the left goes with the link and is the picture she was working from as mentioned in question #3 :)

I very much admire Smadar's work and I think she should definitely continue to draw!
Wow! She's so talented and her work is stunning!
Wow! such talent! I totally understand about collecting items out of which to make things--at some unknown point in the future.
Wow! Her work is amazing! Those pieces have to take forever!
And her drawing is just as exquisite!
Excellent interview and beautiful representative works.
The beading is gorgeous, and I am really drawn to the "portrait"...so full of compassion.
Great artist feature, thanks for introducing us :)
wow! Great feature! talented artist indeed
Smadar is a very talented artist! Thanks for the interesting feature.
I'm a big fan of Smadar's work and her beautiful style of photography! I didn't know that she also does such wonderful drawings - what a multi-talented lady :0)
Dear Ruthie, Thanks so much for featuring my work here! I really enjoyed the interview and I appreciate all the warm comments :)
I love!! smadar's creations. Been a favorite jeweler for a time now. They are so great!
It's nice to learn about one of EBW Team members. Thanks for sharing. Her work is beautiful.
what great creations - so talented :)
Okay her jewelry literally took my breath away...
It's so beautiful! Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it though.
It makes you feel if that makes any sense at all?
Thanks so much for sharing with us!
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