I first met this artist when I was a member of the Eastern Washington Etsy Team before I moved across the state. She's a sweet lady and her stuff is so cute! Make sure you check out Cutie Fruity's shop and her blog!
1. Tell us your story - what got you started sewing and what got you started selling on etsy?
I come from a long line of seamstresses. My mother taught me how to sew, and her mom taught her to sew, etc. I remember those first sewing lessons when I was about 8 years old. My mom would have me sew around a circle or zig zag that she drew on a piece of paper. She was always making stuff for my siblings and I. Now, my mom makes all the bibs for my shop, and she's so awesome at it. My sister also sews
professionally, and my brother knows his way around a machine.
About Etsy; I had never heard about it until a friend of mine wanted to do a summer boutique (like a craft fair at home) when she came to visit her parents on vacation. (you can see her awesome wares at http://freshlypicked.etsy.com) I was really excited about it and started sewing to get ready for the
event. Unfortunately I was the only one she could find to do it. So I had all this stuff I had worked on, and nowhere to sell it. Enter Etsy. I threw my maternity belly bands on the site after a few days to see
how they would do, and they have turned out to be the niche that I needed.
2. Do you make any other crafts?
As well as sewing, My mom taught me to quilt. I also enjoy scrapbooking and have in the last year migrated to digital scrapbooking. No trips to the craft store, the kids don't play with the stuff on my desk, I can make the elements any color and size I want, and it's free until the pages are printed!
3. What is your favorite item that you have up on etsy right now?
My favorite thing in my shop is the red and white polka dot girls outfit with the matching Cabbage Patch doll clothes. My girls loved these Cabbage Patch outfits when I made them and loved modeling them. I'm
just dying for someone to own something I love so much, and have their Cutie enjoy it as much as my Cuties covet it.

4. Where do you do your work and what do you listen to while you work?
I work out of my laundry room. So, I listen to the water swishing in the washer, and the clothes wrestling around in the dryer. I can always hear my kids' cartoon going in the morning. With all the sewing I do,
I'm half expecting my son, due any time, to only be soothed by the sound of my sewing machine. If I have to sew at 2am to get him to sleep, I guess I will get a lot of work done! With the success of CutieFruity, I'm hoping to be able to upgrade our home to include an all out craft and hobby room. All my husband requests is that he has a comfy chair in the corner so he can spend some time with me.
5. I know this can be a tough question to answer, but where do you find your inspiration?
I find new things to make soley based on practicality. I sew my kids' entire summer wardrobe for the most part. The belly bands came about when I started to grow out of my own pants at the beginning of this
pregnancy. I love them. I recently watched my Sister-In-Law trying to nurse her baby at a family function and she was holding a blanket in her teeth to cover herself. The next thing I am going to make is a clip
to hold those blankets on so that you don't have to wrestle it while nursing.
6. Tell us one random thing about yourself!
I am a veteran. I served as a truck driver for the Army Special Forces school in Fort Bragg, NC for three years. I was an Airborne paratrooper and I've jumped out of 15 planes and helicopters. For nine months that I was in the Army, I had the opportunity to travel to all the Army bases in the US, Alaska, and Korea to perform a singing and dancing show for soldiers and thier families. I was the costumer for that show, in
charge of maintaining about 2000 articles of clothing and accessories while we travelled to all 118 venues and did over 200 shows. Now I'm the proud wife of a US Navy SeaBee.
Now for a few of my favorite items from her shop!
1. Tell us your story - what got you started sewing and what got you started selling on etsy?
I come from a long line of seamstresses. My mother taught me how to sew, and her mom taught her to sew, etc. I remember those first sewing lessons when I was about 8 years old. My mom would have me sew around a circle or zig zag that she drew on a piece of paper. She was always making stuff for my siblings and I. Now, my mom makes all the bibs for my shop, and she's so awesome at it. My sister also sews
professionally, and my brother knows his way around a machine.
About Etsy; I had never heard about it until a friend of mine wanted to do a summer boutique (like a craft fair at home) when she came to visit her parents on vacation. (you can see her awesome wares at http://freshlypicked.etsy.com) I was really excited about it and started sewing to get ready for the
event. Unfortunately I was the only one she could find to do it. So I had all this stuff I had worked on, and nowhere to sell it. Enter Etsy. I threw my maternity belly bands on the site after a few days to see
how they would do, and they have turned out to be the niche that I needed.
2. Do you make any other crafts?
As well as sewing, My mom taught me to quilt. I also enjoy scrapbooking and have in the last year migrated to digital scrapbooking. No trips to the craft store, the kids don't play with the stuff on my desk, I can make the elements any color and size I want, and it's free until the pages are printed!
3. What is your favorite item that you have up on etsy right now?
My favorite thing in my shop is the red and white polka dot girls outfit with the matching Cabbage Patch doll clothes. My girls loved these Cabbage Patch outfits when I made them and loved modeling them. I'm
just dying for someone to own something I love so much, and have their Cutie enjoy it as much as my Cuties covet it.

4. Where do you do your work and what do you listen to while you work?
I work out of my laundry room. So, I listen to the water swishing in the washer, and the clothes wrestling around in the dryer. I can always hear my kids' cartoon going in the morning. With all the sewing I do,
I'm half expecting my son, due any time, to only be soothed by the sound of my sewing machine. If I have to sew at 2am to get him to sleep, I guess I will get a lot of work done! With the success of CutieFruity, I'm hoping to be able to upgrade our home to include an all out craft and hobby room. All my husband requests is that he has a comfy chair in the corner so he can spend some time with me.
5. I know this can be a tough question to answer, but where do you find your inspiration?
I find new things to make soley based on practicality. I sew my kids' entire summer wardrobe for the most part. The belly bands came about when I started to grow out of my own pants at the beginning of this
pregnancy. I love them. I recently watched my Sister-In-Law trying to nurse her baby at a family function and she was holding a blanket in her teeth to cover herself. The next thing I am going to make is a clip
to hold those blankets on so that you don't have to wrestle it while nursing.
6. Tell us one random thing about yourself!
I am a veteran. I served as a truck driver for the Army Special Forces school in Fort Bragg, NC for three years. I was an Airborne paratrooper and I've jumped out of 15 planes and helicopters. For nine months that I was in the Army, I had the opportunity to travel to all the Army bases in the US, Alaska, and Korea to perform a singing and dancing show for soldiers and thier families. I was the costumer for that show, in
charge of maintaining about 2000 articles of clothing and accessories while we travelled to all 118 venues and did over 200 shows. Now I'm the proud wife of a US Navy SeaBee.
Now for a few of my favorite items from her shop!
I love the color and practicality of this belly band!

Are you an Etsy Mom with a budding artist? Then you need THIS!

When I Grow Up Bib - Biker

Are you an Etsy Mom with a budding artist? Then you need THIS!

When I Grow Up Bib - Biker

Adorable items! Very sweet!
What a great shop. So diverse! Love the matching outfits.
What a fun feature - fun shop too!
fun shop! thanksf or the intro.
I love that biker bib. :)
Nice feature. The red matching outfits are adorable.
what a great interview! learned a lot about Cutie Fruity and sewing in general. It's so interesting how other people get started and what they are doing/plan to do!
Those are awesome! Just love hat biker bib!
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