Well, my jewelry party yesterday ended up being a bust. Other than those participating, my friend Ruth was the only one who showed up! And yes, for those of you who know my real name is Ruth (or Ruthie), yes, we have the same name :P It gets quite confusing when we hang out together too! Here's a picture of my Mom, me, and Ruth all sitting and talking (and crafting!).

My brother is a real sweetheart and he did a lot to help me with both the set up and the tear down. He also took most of the pictures... Here's a pic of me making him work :)

The sad part about the party being a bust was that it wasn't just me there showing my work, my dear friend who runs the shop The Kilted Hedgepig was also there with her jewelry. Here's a pic of her and her sister setting up her jewelry!

So what went wrong? Well, our theory is that we simply didn't have enough time and energy to put into promoting the jewelry party. My Mom got back a week ago from a trip to Nicaragua, La (the other artist) is doing NaNoWriMo this month and is very distracted by that, and between getting ready to move and my health problems... Well, let's just say this could have been planned better.
We're not giving up! The way we figure it we had a ton of fun hanging out and chatting, and next time we'll do a better job promoting. :P We are thinking we'll try and do one late January as a Valentines day party. Hopefully that one will go better!
We're not giving up! The way we figure it we had a ton of fun hanging out and chatting, and next time we'll do a better job promoting. :P We are thinking we'll try and do one late January as a Valentines day party. Hopefully that one will go better!
sorry no one came by - at least you were with friends. {:-D
ditto :)
Sorry it didnt go well but glad you had fun!
That's sad. Next time it will be better.
Oh, I feel so sad for you!!!
Sorry you didn't have a big crowd, but at least you have a great support network!
I'm having my first party next weekend, and I'm afraid that nobody will come to that...
I agree with them ^^^ Ms. Ruthie with the huge heart!
My show was a bust for me, overall they said it went very well. It was a $30+ learning experience.
what a sweet supportive brother you have..good luck with the next!
So sorry your party didn't go better.
From the photos it looks like you had fun being together with your friends.
And what a nice brother!!
Oh that is really too bad. I had a show at home on Sunday, but I spent alot of time promoting it(see my blog for tips). I sent out alot of flyers on my client list, and had about 13 people show up...which doesn't seem like alot, but they ALL bought something, which in the end turned into a very profitable day! So don't give up...just try something different with your promos next time.
Awww sorry the party wasn't more of a success, but it sounds like a great learning experience for the next one!
Don't give up! I know around here this last weekend there was a craft/art show every two blocks. There was no way to attend them all. Good luck next time and you have a great blog!
Sorry about that, but at least you still have your friend & brother to cheer you up :)
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