1. What type of art work do you do?
Most of my artwork is jewelry or jewelry related. I also make a candle arrangement that I call "Reflections". My "Reflections" are personalized depending on your decor and taste.
2. How did you get started doing art work?
I had to change my lifestyle due to my epilepsy. I needed a more relaxed pace. And I can't just read or watch TV so I started making things. And the more I created the larger the desire to create became.
3. Do you do any other crafts?
I went through many crafts before I settled on the jewelry. And every now and then I decide to make something else, but it is usually for myself. I have not found anything besides the jewelry and “Reflections” that I do well enough to be able to sell it.
4. Is there a story behind your shop name?
Yes. **this is an excerpt from my blog** http://cherylspurplecow.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html
I wanted the name of my store to be something that I could connect to. I have Epilepsy and earlier this year I learned that March 26 is "Purple Day". Wearing purple on that day shows that you support Epilepsy Awareness. Purple has always been my favorite color so I decided that the name of my shop would include "purple". I was getting there. I had one word, but I still couldn't figure out the name. Then one day out of the blue, I remembered a gift I received in Junior High from my best friend Dee Dee. She gave me a purple cow with a poem attached:
"I never saw a purple cow;
and I never hope to see one.
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one."
I had completely forgotten about that purple cow. I surfed the web to find a purple cow. I found a book titled "Purple Cow" based upon this popular poem. The book helps you to succeed in business by being the purple cow among all the regular cows. The purple cow represents something extraordinary, different. It is something unusual that we all would like to have or even see just once.
I like to think of myself as different. I am a non-conformist so the concept of a purple cow is one that I relate to real well.

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?
It would have to be the Red and Black Swarovski Bracelet. My husband is from Lubbock and the colors of the Texas Tech Red Raiders are Red and Black. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30283538
6. Where do you sell your work?
7. Do you blog?
8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
Facebook Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/Cheryls.Purple.Cow?

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
When I do listen, it has to be Billy Joel. I love everything he has done. Every one of his songs has a message. I can tell you what aspect of myself or what time in my life each one of his songs is about.
10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
How ‘bout two? I love penguins and I am going back to school. I am studying American Sign Language.
Love her shop name and enjoyed her story! Her work is lovely!
nice feature, Ruthie!
the name is cool and I like her stuff! shes a facebook friend of mine and she's an amaing woman coping how she does. Im like her in that sense by using a major life change to inspire me to do something crafty and it gave me a huge boost. Go Cheryl I wish her all the luck in the world
love Lorna Hogg aka sock mama.
great interview, its great getting to know fellow FFEST members
She does beautiful work...love that red and black bracelet!
What a great shop name, artist and work! I wish her all the best of success :)
What a nice post and lovely work. I always loved the pirple cow rhyme as a kid and it makes for a great shop name!
Great shop, very nice work.
Sweet Sally's Soaps
Nice feature! Cheryl has been a support to me in my quest to network! Keep up the good work, Cheryl!
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