Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meri Greenleaf's Giveaway Winner!

First of all I just have to say - a huge Thank You!!! to everyone who entered this week's contest! We had a record number of entries and that tells me that our new promotions idea is working! Which is very exciting for all the future featured giveaway artists! Now to the fun stuff...

Did you see that? 54 entries! Oh my goodness!

Now who was number 23?

Ooo...another winner that I don't know! So I dived into my e-mail and found their e-mail address :) Unfortunately they don't have a web-site I can point you all too (that I can find easily), so I'll be getting in touch with them and letting them know they won! If they do have a website I can send you too I'll post about it later! 

Check back on Monday for our new contest! Also, I have a lot of fun posts coming up: 1. A post to introduce you to my muses; 2. Discussing the differences between Artfire and Etsy, and .... 3. Lots more about promotions! Talk to you soon :D

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