I don't remember when I first stumbled across Aquariann's shop - but I instantly fell in love! Not only does she do fantasty work, but she uses bright colors that are to die for :) Now to let you get to know her a little bit for yourself...

1. What type of art work do you do?
My style is very inspired by comic books and animation, so I use Pigma Microns by Sakura to line my work and Prismacolor pencils to color it in. Almost every thing I draw has pointy ears or wings or both, so I'm comfortable using the term "fantasy art."
2. How did you get started doing art work?
I've wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember, and art just came along for the ride and kind of borrowed the wheel. In elementary school, my friends and I used to make up hordes of characters to write into a young adult series. However, I spent way more time drawing the characters and their situations than actually writing about them - a realization that occurred to me much later. It wasn't until college that it dawned on
me to seriously try drawing - thanks to a new addiction to anime and comic books, the discovery of modern fantasy artists such as Amy Brown and Jessica Galbreth, and many art history classes where I got to drool over the beauty of 10,000 years of work.
3. Do you do any other crafts?
I can knit a mean rectangle. Someday I may try to advance my skills past the basic stitch, but right now I'm happy knitting scarves, cozies and arm cuffs. It gives me a reason to continue to buy mounds of pretty yarn I don't need. Plus, it helps me feel more productive instead of simply watching tv.
4. Is there a story behind your shop name?
Aquariann is a combination of my sun sign and middle name. It's become my sexier, more exciting alter ego.

5. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?
That would have to be Mimi Lu, my most recent drawing! (http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=417457) Who couldn't adore her sweet toy poodle face? My friend occasionally brings her over to play at work and I couldn't resist pulling out my wand and turning her into a fairy as a gift. It's the first time I've done a pet portrait, and I hope to do many more - starting with my miniature schnauzer Coca Monsta, as she's already very jealous.
6. Where do you sell your work?
I starting selling online back in 2006, thanks to the wonder that is Etsy. That shop is still open at http://aquariann.etsy.com, but I am currently only listing my most popular items there. All the items I have in stock are now listed in my ArtFire shop at http://aquariann.artfire.com.
7. Do you blog?
Very poorly, at http://aquariann-art.blogspot.com. I have so many ideas for entries, but rarely ever actually sit down to write them. By the time I make it home from my day job as a graphic artist for a newspaper, my brain is zombie mush.
8. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
Yes! I mostly frequent squidoo (http://squidoo.com/aquariann), facebook (http://facebook.com/aquariannArt) and twitter (http://twitter.com/aquariann), but occasionally can still be found on deviantart (http://aquariann.deviantart.com), flickr (http://flickr.com/photos/aquariann), livejournal (http://aquariann.livejournal.com) and myspace (http://myspace.com/aquariann)

9. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
Ever since I discovered the FUNimation channel, I've been tuning in constantly. It's a 24-hour anime network. How brilliant is that?!
10. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
I have naturally long nails and can bend all the joints in my fingers so it looks like I have witch hands. Freaks my boyfriend out, but it comes in handy during Halloween, my favorite holiday. Yay!
Yay, it's Aquariann! I know her! *waves!* I love her art. :D
Love all the fun, bright colors she uses!
Fabulous work! Her pieces are so imaginative and fun and of course the poodle is adorable!
Great article and I do love Mimi Lu!
thanks for the intro - I haven't run across her before...love that dragon!
great interview! Don't think I've seen her work before - fantasy like, eh? Your name all over it! lol {:-D
lovely choice for your featured artist. Her colors are so vivid and fun!
Yay, thank you so much for the lovely feature! And also thanks to all your readers that left such sweet comments. :D
I love Aquariann! She's fairy talented and wonderful :D
How cool that you featured Aquariann! I just recently "met" her in the forums!
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